What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic, common skin condition affecting both adult women and men. It often includes symptoms like facial redness, visible blood vessels, sensitive or burning skin, small bumps and pimples, and uneven skin texture. In some cases, rosacea patients also experience rhinophyma (a thick, swollen nose). 

Rosacea treatment is multifactorial and needs to be tailored to your unique skin needs. Every person’s rosacea is slightly different and therefore treatment strategies differ based on your unique skin type and concerns.  Treatments range from skin care to topical or oral prescriptions to light based devices. 

One of the most impactful treatments for many rosacea patients are light-based treatments like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. The goal of this treatment is to decrease redness, remove broken blood vessels, and trigger collagen production deep within the dermis for complete rejuvenation and even skin tone. We also work with rosacea patients to build a skin care treatment regimen that improves the skin’s protective barriers, decreases sensitivity and symptoms, and protects your skin.

Benefits of Rosacea Treatments?

All of our treatment plans are designed to help you love your skin again. Once we help you find an effective treatment plan you’ll be able to find relief from the symptoms of your rosacea and experience control over your skin and freedom from rosacea.

What to expect from Rosacea Treatment?

When you come in for a consultation, we’ll assess your skin and create a treatment strategy aimed at decreasing all of your symptoms. Our goal is to help your skin feel less sensitive, improve the skin’s strength, decrease the redness and any pimples or bumps. We want you to love your skin again!

*DISCLAIMER: Individual outcomes, results and number of treatments recommended may vary based on individual patient needs, medical history, and circumstances. West Dermatology cannot guarantee exact or permanent results or cures.


Book a consultation for freedom from rosacea today.