What is BBL?

BBL treatments employ BroadBand Light and are scientifically proven to enhance the quality and appearance of your skin today and for the future. BBL treatment reduces brown discolouration and pigmentation, effectively treats redness and broken blood vessels from rosacea, reduces sun damage, and smooths fine lines and wrinkles. See below for comparing IPL and BBL.

IPL vancouver

What to expect from a BBL treatment

Right after the procedure there is mild redness and swelling. This resolves quickly in most patients. Brown spots become darker right after the treatment and over the course of the week, the pigmentation lifts to the surface, looks like “coffee grinds” and comes off. This procedure has no downtime as the mild redness and swelling doesn’t occur in everyone, and if it does, a little mineral makeup covers it very well. This treatment is done as a series of treatments performed monthly until results are achieved. Then, we perform regular treatments every 3-6 months to maintain those results and treat any ongoing damage from the sun and the environment. 

Patients often find that their skin’s tone and texture is dramatically improved, and results continue well after treatment as collagen production continues over time. BBL treatment is effective on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas. 

This treatment is one of our most popular because the results are reliable, visible, and natural.


Comparing BBL to IPL

BBL is often better for treating a broader skin range, while IPL is better suited for treating a very targeted area. Many dermatology experts agree that BBL is the gold standard of photofacial skin rejuvenation. Seen as the safer option, BBL can treat sun spots, age spots, spider veins, active acne, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, birthmarks, and more - all while being non-invasive or non-surgical and requiring no downtime.

Creating a change at a molecular level is what sets BBL apart from IPL

IPL laser treatment works to stimulate collagen to reduce visible signs of skin ageing, sun spots, hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores. Additionally, IPL works to stimulate collagen, which, in turn, erases fine lines and mild acne scarring.

BBL treatments use a range of light waves to target the hemoglobin and melanin in skin.

BBL and IPL have a significant difference, but also some basic similarities:

  • Both use non-invasive light waves to rejuvenate skin.

  • Both treat skin on any area of the body. Skin that has been exposed to the damaging effects of sunlight – face, neck, back of the hands, chest, and shoulders – can be helped with BBL and IPL.

  • The number of treatments required for maximum benefit varies from patient to patient. Our skincare experts will customize a multi-session treatment plan.

  • The duration of benefits from a series of BBL and IPL skin rejuvenation treatments can last anywhere from six to twelve months, depending on your specific issues.

*DISCLAIMER: Individual outcomes, results and number of treatments recommended may vary based on individual patient needs, medical history, and circumstances. West Dermatology cannot guarantee exact or permanent results or cures.


Discover the transforming benefits of BBL

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