What is Belkyra™️? 

 For those seeking to feel more confident about their facial profile, Belkyra™️ is a breakthrough Health Canada and FDA-approved injectable treatment that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells underneath the chin. Composed of deoxycholic acid—a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat—Belkyra restores definition to the chin and jawline for a more youthful appearance. 

Benefits of Belkyra™️

Belkyra, also known as Kybella in the United States, is a quick, minimally-invasive injectable solution to shape and refine the chin and jawline non-surgically and with very little downtime. 

A series of 2-4 treatments, spaced 8 weeks apart, is usually recommended to achieve optimal contouring results. Repeat treatments after this initial series are not normally required.

What to expect from Belkyra™️ treatments 

A Belkyra™ treatment typically takes 20-30 minutes. We begin by applying a grid underneath the chin, which acts as a guide for precisely injecting the treatment. As the procedure begins, you may experience a stinging and burning sensation that arises then quickly dissipates. 

Immediately following your treatment, you may experience some mild soreness, numbness, bruising and swelling. Most side effects should subside after a few hours, but you can expect some swelling—which should not interfere with your daily routine—to persist for 10-14 days. Patients often see results after the first treatment, but each subsequent treatment will continue to improve outcomes. Once the recovery period has passed, you can expect to see refined neck and jawline contours, firmer skin, and a more youthful facial profile.


Book your consultation and explore the benefits of Belkyra™ today.